Helping you communicate effectively with Spanish-speaking employees.

Employee Benefits


How difficult is to communicate effectively about employee benefits in English?  Can you just hand employees a booklet (even a well-thought out, carefully written booklet with colorful illustrations and graphs) and expect them to understand their benefits, make decisions in their own best interest, and use the plans they have elected to their best advantage?  Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.  Benefits managers and brokers work extremely hard to illustrate how plans work, and people struggle - because it’s complicated!  So how much harder is it in Spanish?


For starters, Spanish speakers tend to have a perspective about insurance and benefits that is different from that of people who were born and raised in this country, and this perspective needs to be addressed.


Fortunately for you, Futuro Sólido has been educating Spanish speakers about benefits for over 10 years, and we are here to make your life easier.



“Futuro Sólido had a tremendous impact on our Spanish-speaking employees and their response to benefits. Participation has increased and our employees have a much better understanding of the purpose, function, and value of their life, health, and retirement plans”

—Susan Kemp, Human Resources Manager, BSI, Inc.


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