Helping you communicate effectively with Spanish-speaking employees.


Have you ever had safety instructions translated into Spanish with disappointing results?


Spanish speakers OFTEN  feel they are more valuable employees if they do NOT comply with safety instruction. For training to be effective, this belief must be addressed.


Fortunately, Futuro Sólido offers one-site and web-based consulting and training in both English and Spanish.  Topics include:

  • Bringing Spanish Speakers on Board with Safety (Eng.)
  • The Role of Safety in Your Workplace (Sp.)
  • Supervisory Skills (Sp.)

Click HERE for our Top 10 Tips for Communicating Safety to Spanish Speakers, or E-mail for further info.

…we were alarmed when we closed 2009 with a Recordable Incidence Rate of 7.5, which put us very close to being triggered for an inspection. We have a proactive approach to safety… but obviously something was not getting through to our employees. Fortunately, in 2010, we brought in Futuro Sólido.


Their video … was invaluable, and their presenter conducted extremely effective discussions with our staff. For the first time, our Spanish speakers understood exactly how their behavior impacts the company… The result was our recordable incidence rate for 2010 dropped to zero! Our plant maintained its VPP status and avoided increased premiums…


We are extremely grateful to Futuro Sólido and recommend them enthusiastically to any employer who hires Spanish speakers and who needs to address safety.

~ HR manager of a Denver manufacturing Plant

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