Working with ONE trusted resource for your entire organization will not only lower everyone’s blood pressure but will also save time and money. Once your material is in our system, translated text will be recognized next time around, so we do not need to charge full price for update and modifications. SO… the more of your material that we translate, the more we can leverage towards future discounts!
Most employers and brokers are unaware of the road blocks in on-boarding typical Spanish-speaking employees with benefits. We help:
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Our diverse, worldwide team of expert linguists have outstanding credentials, a state-of-the-art system, and support from one another.
Also called on-site translation, the interpretation occurs when our linguist goes back and forth with a client and states what has been said in English in the target language.
We recommend translating your power point and having our rep present separately in the target language. We can then address concerns that are unique to this group, and they are far more likely to engage and ask questions.
HR manager of a Denver Manufacturing Plant