Futuro Solido USA

Bridging Language and Culture Barriers in HR and Beyond

Futuro Solido is proud to partner with NAHU

We add value to your membership by offering:

  • 10% off all translation and benefits communication projects (brainsharks, OE meetings, etc.) Click HERE to get an estimate and put “NAHU member” after your company name.
  • Preferred pricing, AND a revenue share to NAHU, on annual licenses of our Light Bulbs. Email Melissa for further information.
  • Discounted pricing AND a revenue share to NAHU on ALL short-term Light Bulbs rentals. Click HERE for previews.


Click HERE to learn how we support NAHU members (and laugh).


Click on PURCHASE LINKS below and enter your exclusive COUPON CODE to access Light Bulb videos today!

Coupon Code Regular Price NAHU Member Price NAHU Revenue Share Purchase Links:
NAHU10 $95 $95 $5 Single video, 24 Hours, EN & SP
NAHU50 $425 $425 $25 Entire Series, 24 Hour Rental
NAHU75 $850 $850 $50 Entire Series, 1 Week Rental

Click HERE to visit our site and learn more. We look forward to making your life easier!

This material is brought you by Futuro Sólido USA in partnership with NAHU.

Contact us at servicio@futurosolidousa.com or (303) 837-8224 for translation or Spanish communication support, and be sure to request NAHU preferred pricing.

This copyrighted material is owned by Futuro Sólido USA, LLC and licensed for limited viewing to NAHU and its authorized employees or members for which applicable license fees have been paid. If you are not an authorized employee or member of NAHU for whom applicable fees have been paid, you are not authorized to access, view or otherwise utilize these materials in any manner, and any attempt to do so constitutes copyright infringement under the United States’ Copyright Law, 17 USC 101 et seq. Violations carry significant fines and may be criminally prosecuted. Unauthorized use is monitored electronically.

Call 303.837.8224 or click here for more information

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